your audience
Create photo and video contests to support the launch of a new product, benefit from promotional seasons ( Mother’s Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day...) or just animate your brand in a smart way to be better positioned on Instagram.
Request prices Browse Open ContestsSet up your contest
Define precisely what you expect from contestants.
Be aware that visibility is also a very attractive incentive for Instagram users. Provide your terms & conditions.
The average duration observed is 3 weeks.
Geographic target
Whether your contest is worldwide or restricted to specific countries, it will be broadcasted only to your target.
Prefer a non existing hashtag. To avoid typing mistakes, make it ten characters or less.
You can use several hastags but 2 is plenty. You can also ask contestants to mention your brand in their caption (@brand).
Engage your communities
Through Statigram customized public page.
Via a contest app, also customized to match the look & feel of your public page.
Allowing your followers to participate directly from Twitter, using the combination of your choosen #hashtag plus the mention @yourbrand.
Your own community
On your website (via an embed of your public page).
Our moderation platform has been praised many times for its ease-of-use.
Access to the platform is secured with login/password and it works beautifully on all devices (computer, tablet and mobile).
Moderation can be performed either prior to or post-publishing.
Photos or videos posted from all sources are gathered in a single feed that can be viewed either as thumbnails or larger images. A range of filtering options is also available.
Public Page on Statigram
Customization has been made very easy with our online editor:
upload your artwork for desktop and mobile layouts, play with the background and text colors to adjust the look & feel, add links to other services of your digital identity.
Public pages include a voting system and the possibility to upload photos and videos for contests.
They can be accessed even if not connected to Statigram:
the page is indexed by search engines, connected users are notified of each new contest starting, your contest appears in our directory.
Monitor Activity
Online dashboard with global metrics about your contest such as:
Number of entries, participants, pageviews along with moderation, votes, shares, likes and audience and more specific ones depending on your broadcasting locations (see who is your most engaged community).
Download raw data exports (.xls) to build your own report.
Announce Winners
Announce your winners via the admin panel:
enter username and prize won, add as many winners as necessary and “Publish” ... Winners are automatically displayed on all of your pages (Statigram, Facebook app, etc).
Tip about contacting your winners
We will be able to provide emails for entries submitted via Facebook, uploaded on the public page or posted on Instagram if the user is registered on Statigram. To contact other participants, use Instagram Direct, post a comment on their latest Instagram photo/video or tweet them.
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